Friday, September 14, 2012

Sen. Jim DeMint .. ON TEACHERS...A Chicago mess...

Sen. Jim DeMint made an apparent joke Friday on the tense labor dispute in Chicago's public school system, using a harsh word to describe those on strike.
"You know, we have had a lot of bad news this week. On my way over, I was reading another story about a distant place where thugs had put 400,000 children out in the streets. And then I realized that was a story about the Chicago teachers strike," DeMint said, prompting laughter from the crowd at the Values Voter Summit, a social-conservative event in Washington, D.C.
It astounds my sensibilities that these politicians use their podiums as speakeasies. They give absolutely no thought to what they are saying and put out a clear message to a nation about accountability. From ROMNEY CAMP TO OBAMA CAMP TO THIS.. 
They come off as a bunch of uninformed bullies. Do they not understand the repercussions of this behavior? I am sure it worked in HS while you were playing Tight end! But not now.. you traded in your pads for Armani. But I can't even insult the pro football community when we have people like Chris Kluwe writing in support of Brendon Ayanbadejo in a letter supporting gay marriage. 

It has just become the norm to shoot off at the mouth and making a funny at the expense of, in this case teachers who spend more time with the kids than their own parents. Do you know how many parents I know that have their children basically weekends and still need the help of a damn NANNY.. PLEASE.. 

Teachers warrant the utmost respect period.. They are educated, educating and trying to fix the ME ME spoiled, entitled children our parents today create and send off to torment the world... I bless them and ask GOD to keep every teacher in his safe embrace. And I truly hope this man gets his lesson..


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