Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I grew up in Newark, NJ on Lake Street. A beautiful tree lined street across from the most beautiful park (Branch Brook Park)  imaginable.  Cherry Blossoms like you have never seen.
Baseball diamonds, fishing for trout in the lake, and most importantly the Feast of St Gerard. The patron Saint of expectant mothers.

                                                             ST GERARD 1935

This is the feast that has been bringing families, extended families, aunts and uncles, who really weren't your aunts and uncles but much stronger, friends and community together to celebrate.  I have been going since I was in a carriage to this very day. The money you see was and is wrapped around him as he processes through the streets of Newark for three days where the money would reach well into the six figure range.. that explained the cops and the dark suits following the procession as they do now.

I was raised with a very strong belief in my God and the old fashion traditions of the Church. I only have the fondest memories of my childhood and my friends I grew up with.. They are the only people on my facebook that know each other 40 somewhat years and still talk and see each other.. REAL COMMUNITY.

My Aunt Minnie (Philomena) truly taught me to pray, really pray and believe that God was always there for me no matter what. The God she  taught me about was kind, gentle, loving, unshakeable, reverent and always available . I think I just described her. Talk about an example. I still owe her for my discipline in prayer and mediation. Through her my faith is a rope as opposed to the threads that today, seem to make up the fabric of our faith.


My friendships were unshakable, yes people grow older and have more responsibilities but we stay in as close touch as possible. I have to admit I was not very honest up until now after 40 years about the gift God has blessed me with and well, I am expecting some adversity. I will keep them in light and hope for the best.. LOVE YOU GUYS!!
We still walk for 2 full days. I can't wait. Come see for yourself THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF ST. GERARD, October 13th, 14th, 15th, & 16th @ St. Lucy's Church in Newark! I know all my family & CHILDHOOD FRIENDS will be there and I can't wait to see them.

St. Lucy's Church. 2011.


  1. I'll be there! Hope to see you!- Joanne M.

  2. Without question we will be at the Feast. Have not ever missed one. I was also so surprised to hear that the Columbus Day Parade in Seaside Heights this year is honoring St Lucy's Church and St Gerard on Oct 9th!!! I will be there too!!
