Friday, October 7, 2011

Making a Difference: Changing the FACE OF A PLANET

Steve Jobs in his role of CEO at Apple has truly left behind a legacy. Not only did he allow a planet of addicted beings to adopt a phone as an appendage, he truly broke unexpected ground with his great vision. He not only changed the way we listen to music.  But he and facebook have brought back SHARING!! That thing we used to do as kids.. remember.

His IPad has broken new ground among the learning disabled and given them a new way to communicate to their families. I recently worked a performance of the LION KING THE MUSICAL that was attended by 600 Autistic and Special needs Children. Disney in conjunction with a wonderful group of people from TDF/Theatre Development Fund
(Please pay attention to TDF Accessibility Programs on their site), and a staff headed by one of the Professors/Drs. at Hunter College, prepared an amazing day at the theatre for these kids and their parents.. and I have to admit.. they were a lot easier than our regular audiences. As the day progressed I noticed many of the kids breaking out IPads  and communicating with their families. I inquired about it and found out that two professors from Hunter College in Manhattan were hired to specifically research the affect of the IPad on these special needs children and how effective it could be. I believe they have only touched on the possibilities. And I am looking forward to the groundbreaking discoveries that will affect our planet in an even greater way.

In most of his interviews he always mentioned "You have to love what you do", even when adversity is hitting you in the face. He also believed that you could not do it ALONE!! He admitted the importance of finding the others out there, with bigger vision in a particular area and cultivating the relationship so that the expansion and functionality of these ideas can come into play. And I don't need to list the accomplishments along the way. HE BELIEVED IN HAVING A TEAM.

Just recently Apple has come out with the 4S, it's new phone. Within the program of the 4S is Siri your very own personal assistant that pretty much thinks on it own... I mean the only thing it doesn't do it pick up your laundry, clean your apartment or pick up dinner. Give them time.. I am sure that will follow.  The IPhone 4S is perfect for those who are visually impaired.  Check out this video.

Pretty amazing hunh..  So In closing this blog that can last for months on end... raving Steve Jobs. I would like to thank IGod for the loan of a generous soul and extend my condolences to his family and each and every employee of his that had the pleasure of working under such a gifted individual.

I look forward to even greater things!!

Love and Light
Vincent Palumbo

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