Friday, October 7, 2011

Making a Difference: Changing the FACE OF A PLANET

Steve Jobs in his role of CEO at Apple has truly left behind a legacy. Not only did he allow a planet of addicted beings to adopt a phone as an appendage, he truly broke unexpected ground with his great vision. He not only changed the way we listen to music.  But he and facebook have brought back SHARING!! That thing we used to do as kids.. remember.

His IPad has broken new ground among the learning disabled and given them a new way to communicate to their families. I recently worked a performance of the LION KING THE MUSICAL that was attended by 600 Autistic and Special needs Children. Disney in conjunction with a wonderful group of people from TDF/Theatre Development Fund
(Please pay attention to TDF Accessibility Programs on their site), and a staff headed by one of the Professors/Drs. at Hunter College, prepared an amazing day at the theatre for these kids and their parents.. and I have to admit.. they were a lot easier than our regular audiences. As the day progressed I noticed many of the kids breaking out IPads  and communicating with their families. I inquired about it and found out that two professors from Hunter College in Manhattan were hired to specifically research the affect of the IPad on these special needs children and how effective it could be. I believe they have only touched on the possibilities. And I am looking forward to the groundbreaking discoveries that will affect our planet in an even greater way.

In most of his interviews he always mentioned "You have to love what you do", even when adversity is hitting you in the face. He also believed that you could not do it ALONE!! He admitted the importance of finding the others out there, with bigger vision in a particular area and cultivating the relationship so that the expansion and functionality of these ideas can come into play. And I don't need to list the accomplishments along the way. HE BELIEVED IN HAVING A TEAM.

Just recently Apple has come out with the 4S, it's new phone. Within the program of the 4S is Siri your very own personal assistant that pretty much thinks on it own... I mean the only thing it doesn't do it pick up your laundry, clean your apartment or pick up dinner. Give them time.. I am sure that will follow.  The IPhone 4S is perfect for those who are visually impaired.  Check out this video.

Pretty amazing hunh..  So In closing this blog that can last for months on end... raving Steve Jobs. I would like to thank IGod for the loan of a generous soul and extend my condolences to his family and each and every employee of his that had the pleasure of working under such a gifted individual.

I look forward to even greater things!!

Love and Light
Vincent Palumbo

Monday, October 3, 2011


Ever wonder why a person walks into a party and all eyes go to them? 

A person is seated next to you at a dinner party or approaches you at a cocktail party and you feel a chill right up your spine? 

A person puts their hand around your shoulder and you suddenly feel like your knees are going to give out? ( And it's not a love interest.)

A person you are acquainted with just energizes you, with his/her warmth, personality and "HAS A GREAT ENERGY!"?


The Human Aura is the Light that surrounds the body contains seven layers, moving in and out of the seven chakras.

What does it represent?

The Aura contains everything from all your past incarnations to the your present incarnation and it’s purpose, plus more. It envelops who you are physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.  It is THE BLUEPRINT OF YOUR SOUL.

Can I see the Human Aura?

Yes. It would be greatly recommended to start a regime of meditation exercises and training the eye. There are many different form of meditation as you will see in the next section. I myself see the human aura with the naked eye. I see the color and understand how to interpret its nature. As I am sure there is much more for me to learn. 

Can the Human Aura be manipulated in any way?

Yes. For healing or can be unintentionally or intentionally weakened. Which is why protective meditations are important.

Do I have to be a Psychic or a Medium to see the Aura?

No. Anyone with the proper discipline and training can see it.

What would be a great start for me to train myself in recognizing The Aura and its contents?

First learn meditation and make it a regular practice. There is a book entitled HANDS OF LIGHT by Barbara Ann Brennan and Illustrated by Jos A. Smith. It is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in the subject matter and seeking further knowledge in this area.

This is a great guide for any psychic, medium or healing work such as Massage Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Acupuncturist  and Reiki master just to name a few. Your understanding of your work and clarity of your interpretation will increase tremendously. I have friends who have read and owned this book just for sake of keeping their own aura in check.

Any illness is present in the aura.. physical time about 3 months prior to affecting the body. I know in my work my guides have prevented some serious complications by instructing me to tell the client to just go take a look at this.. nothing ever serious or life threatening. But unattended to.. it can be. You are a walking miracle and you are light.. just protect it and enhance it. The following video is a  7 minute look at seeing the aura and what it is. 

A great place to heal and replenish your auric field and or Alternative Practices.

Human Touch Healing Arts


Meditation refers to any form of a family of practices in which practitioners train their mind or self-induce a mode of consciousness to realize benefit.

It comes in many forms: prayer, deep breathing, chanting and the oldest form of meditation, eye fixation. All achieve the same end result. Some mediations are passive and some dynamic. There are techniques that incorporate both. THE SILVA METHOD being one of them. I was fortunate to study under the Instructor of the year.. 5 times over and keynote speaker on the method, at the time, Dr. Ginger Grancagnolo. She now has her own counseling practice and seminars. I advise anyone especially in the New Jersey, New York area to seek her out. Ginger is my favorite lighthouse!!


Yes indeed it is. Children are easier to teach it to. They are open to play and explore new things. Adapting to change as a child is easier than for an adult. And they soak it up like a sponge. There are no belief systems formed that negate, question or go against the new information in any capacity. So yes, teach your children early and I assure you they will excel in everything from academics to sports to anything THEY PUT THEIR MIND TO!! They will also be more steady in their moods and clearer in their day to day decision making at an early age.

Meditation is used to reduce stress, improve physical health, enable the body to heal faster, clearer thinking, improve self-esteem, self-worth and  and making unwavering clear decisions. Need I go on......?


Anywhere from your home, on your 15 minute break at work in any men's or ladies room stall, park, place of worship, subway, bus, or even museum.  I have pretty much covered most of those places myself. It will calm and relax you from any stressful meeting and or event that may take place prior. 

A true meditation will bring you to an ALPHA LEVEL OF  OF MIND/ SCIENTIFICALLY: BRAIN WAVE FREQUENCY. That is your sleep state with awareness.  How amazing is that.  Fifteen minutes spent in relaxation at this level is equivalent to the body getting up to two hours of rested sleep. AMAZING!!

Are my pets meditating when I think they are sleeping?

No. They are sleeping. Animals live and breath in the ALPHA level of mind. Their brain waves are always in a sleep state.  You will find if you have a pet, that when you are in meditation, the dog/cat will come immediately to sit with you...because you are vibrating at the same level of mind and are more apt to communicating with your dog when at this level. So as much as we would love to see our pets meditating, THEY ALREADY ARE!!

Thanks for reading and if there is anything you specifically would like me to cover..please put your suggestions in the comment section.

THIS IS NOT VINCENT!!!----------->


Saturday, October 1, 2011


Spiritual Protection is something that everyone should know how to do, regardless of our religious beliefs (or lack of). It encompasses far more than just ghosts & spirits too.

Negativity in any form can be damaging to the human energy field (aura). Fear, anger, depression, negative people/places, arguments and more actually create negative energy that can cling to you or build up in your home and cause problems over time. Spiritual cleansings are very important, for yourself and your home. I recommend they be done at least every few months, more if you find yourself feeling stressed or fatigued.

White Light Protection
One of the most important aspects of spiritual protection is "white light" protection. It's very simple to do, and maybe you've even read about it or done it without knowing it. It's very effective at removing and preventing negative energy from harming you. To do this, just visualize an egg-shaped sphere of brilliant white light completely surrounding you, from head to toe. Really focus on seeing it clearly in your mind, and keep building it up so it's SUPER bright and glowing. See it as a solid barrier of protection that negativity cannot cross. If you wish, you can also say a prayer of protection while doing this. You don't have to get fancy with the wording. Say something like,God or Universe... please surround me with a sphere of powerful, brilliant white light. Send the Archangels to protect me from all harm, and please send my Spirit Guides to guide me, guard me and keep away all negative influences."
You can do this for yourself, loved ones, pets, even your house and car! Before traveling anywhere, you can visualize this white light surrounding your car, and the occupants of the car. At night before you go to bed, visualize the white light completely surrounding your house and your family, preventing any harmful energies from entering. This should be done frequently, whether you feel threatened or not. Over time, this builds up a strong shield of protection that is with you always. And just keep reinforcing it, day after day. It's best to do this in the morning and again at night before bed, but it can be done as many times as you want, any time of day.
instructions on how to do this. You don't have to follow it exactly, or use the same exact ingredients. Get creative with it. Use your own wording if you want. Use whatever ingredients you have on hand, and don't be afraid to improvise. The most important thing is your intention that you are removing negative energy.

Herbs for Protection and Purification 
Here is a list of common plants and herbs that are very good for removing (and preventing) negative energy: aloe, anise, barley, basil, bay leaf, cactus, carnation, cedar, chamomile, cinnamon, clove, cumin, curry, dill, eucalyptus, fennel, fern, flax, frankincense, garlic, ginseng, ivy, lavender, myrrh, onion, parsley, pepper, peppermint, rosemary, sage, thyme, violet; after our house cleansing, fill some pretty dishes with these protective herbs, and place them on tables or shelves in the main parts of your home. (Caution: Some herbs are toxic, be sure to keep out of reach of children and animals!) The herbs should be replaced every few months. However, don't toss the old herbs in the trash - rather, sprinkle them outside, to return them to Nature so they can be recycled. :-) You can also make pretty herbal sachets to hang on doors or tuck in a drawer. Place one in your car for protection while traveling. Sprinkle protective herbs on the tops of doorways, or at the thresholds of your home.
Burning certain incenses (which have the same properties as the herbs) can achieve the same effect. This is similar to "smudging". Smudging usually involves taking a bundle of dried sage leaves (sage is great for neutralizing negative energies!) and lighting the tip of it until it starts to smoke, then waving the smudge stick around your home, letting the smoke remove negative energy. The incense does the same thing, you don't have to use Sage sticks. Frankincense, Sandalwood, Myrrh and Sage are the greatest for removing negativity.

Sea Salt - The Ultimate Purifier
Sea salt is an EXCELLENT neutralizer! The ocean holds a lot of power, especially for cleansing and healing, so sea salt obviously does too. You can get pure sea salt at health food stores, and many online shops also carry it. (try to get "unrefined sea salt" if possible, because it retains most of its natural properties) You can mix in some sea salt with your herb mixtures, or use it by itself as described above for the herbs.

Strong Immune System

Sea salt naturally helps you to build up a strong immune system so that you can fight off the cold virus, the fever and flu, allergies and other autoimmune disorders.


Sea salt is alkalizing to the body, as it has not been exposed to high heat and stripped of its minerals, nor does it have any harmful man-made ingredients added to it. Thus it can help you to prevent and reverse high levels of acids in the body, which in turn eliminates the risks for serious and life-threatening diseases.

Weight Loss

Believe it or not, but sea salt can also help you in weight loss. It helps the body to create digestive juices so that the foods you eat are digested faster, and it helps to prevent buildup in the digestive tract, which eventually can lead to constipation and weight gain.

Skin Conditions

A sea salt bath can help to relieve dry and itchy skin as well as serious conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The bath naturally opens up the pores, improves circulation in the skin and hydrates the tissues so that your skin can heal.


Sea salt is effective in reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. Thus the production of phlegm is slowed down so that you can breathe easier again. Some say that sprinkling sea salt on the tongue after drinking a glass of water is just as effective as using an inhaler. But the great thing about sea salt is that it has no side effects when taken in moderation.

Hearth Health

When salt is taken with water it can help to reduce high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and help to regulate an irregular heart beat. Thus sea salt can help to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.


Sea salt can help to reduce the need for insulin by helping to maintain proper sugar levels in the body. Thus the salt is an essential part of the diet if you are diabetic, or at risk for the disease.


Just over 1/4 of the amount of salt that is in the body is stored in the bones, where it helps to keep them strong. When the body lacks salt and water it begins to draw the sodium from the bones, which then eventually can lead to osteoporosis. Thus by drinking plenty of water and consuming salt in moderation you can prevent osteoporosis.

Muscle Spasms

Potassium is essential for helping the muscles to function properly. Sea salt not only contains small amounts of potassium, but it also helps the body to absorb it better from other foods. Thus it is effective in helping to prevent muscle pains, spasms and cramps.


Sea salt also has shown to be effective in treating various types of depression. The salt helps to preserve two essential hormones in the body that help you to better deal with stress. These hormones are serotonin and melatonin, which help you to feel good, and relax and sleep better at night.

<----------THIS IS NOT VINCENT!!